181108 | Liver Extract Polar
Liver Polar Lipid Extract (Bovine)
Liver Extract Polar
Liver Polar Lipid Extract (Bovine)

- Phospholipid Profile
- Safety Data Sheet
- Safety Data Sheet
Zhang W, Shang B, Ouyang Z, Xia Y. Enhanced Phospholipid Isomer Analysis by Online Photochemical Derivatization and RPLC-MS. Anal Chem. 2020 May 5;92(9):6719-6726. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c00690. Epub 2020 Apr 15. PMID: 32271544.
PubMed ID: 32271544Cao W, Cheng S, Yang J, Feng J, Zhang W, Li Z, Chen Q, Xia Y, Ouyang Z, Ma X. Large-scale lipid analysis with C=C location and sn-position isomer resolving power. Nat Commun. 2020 Jan 17;11(1):375. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-14180-4. PMID: 31953382; PMCID: PMC6969141.
PubMed ID: 31953382Randolph CE, Foreman DJ, Blanksby SJ, McLuckey SA. Generating Fatty Acid Profiles in the Gas Phase: Fatty Acid Identification and Relative Quantitation Using Ion/Ion Charge Inversion Chemistry. Anal Chem. 2019 Jul 16;91(14):9032-9040. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b01333. Epub 2019 Jun 26.
PubMed ID: 31199126Hannah M. Britt , Clara A. García-Herrero ORCID, Paul W. Denny ORCID, Jackie A. Mosely and John M. Sanderson. Lytic reactions of drugs with lipid membranes. DOI: 10.1039/C8SC04831B (Edge Article) Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 674-680.
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108C-100MG-A-042and 5012CLA042)
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108C-1G-A-042and 5012CQA042)
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108P-100MG-A-042and 5012PLA042)
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108P-1G-A-042and 5012PQA042)
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108C-1G-B-042and 5012CQB042)
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108C-100MG-A-044and 5012CLA044)
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108P-100MG-A-044and 5012PLA044)
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108C-100MG-B-044and 5012CLB044)
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108C-100MG-A-045and 5012CLA045)
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108P-100MG-A-045and 5012PLA045)
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108C-1G-A-045and 5012CQA045)
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108C-1G-B-045and 5012CQB045)
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108P-100MG-B-045and 5012PLB045)
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108C-1G-C-045and 5012CQC045)
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108C-100MG-B-045and 5012CLB045)
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108C-1G-D-045and 5012CQD045)
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108C-1G-E-045and 5012CQE045)
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108P-100MG-C-045and 5012PLC045)
- Certificate of Analysis(Lot No. 181108C-100MG-D-045and 5012CLD045)